Boussole aromatique, 9 synergies énergétiques d'huiles essentielles, créée par Grand-mère Lucie

Subtle aromatherapy course

Introduction to the uses and energetic functions of oils in relation to the chakras.

Unite heart, body and spirit using the vibrational language of essential oils. Subtle aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to increase our well-being and get to know ourselves in depth. The spirit of plants knows how to guide us to redo or consolidate our connection with Mother Earth because plants know how to touch us in the way required to bring about a surge of evolution, an awareness of the true nature of life.

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Training: Path to self


Unite heart, body and spirit using the vibrational language of essential oils.
Subtle aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to increase our well-being and get to know ourselves in depth. The spirit of plants knows how to guide us to redo or consolidate our connection with Mother Earth because plants know how to touch us in the way required to bring about a surge of evolution, an awareness of the true nature of life.

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roue de médecine chez Aliksir à Grondines au Québec

Training: Medicine Wheel


According to tradition, this circle of stones channels a force that helps bring together the energies of heaven and earth; the stone circle implanted here has, in addition, a specific vocation of healing the heart.

Grandmother Lucie Papillon Blanc will take charge of the celebrations in accordance with tradition, both alchemical and Native American.

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