Discover the energy synergy No 3 Valor

It is the synergy that sustains the power of action, in matter.
- The verb 'to do
- Element: Fire
- Feeling: sovereignty over one's life, freedom and rights.
- Yellow color
- Stone: citrine
- Rating: mid
Key ingredients:
Laurus nobile (HE Laurel), Lavandula officinalis (HE Lavender), Citrus limonum* (HE Lemon)
rich fragrance, a little harsh and sharp, both strong and sweet
Ritual of use:
Apply in a circle in the palm of the hand, join and rub the hands, then feel while inhaling in the joined hands parted.
energy center
Its energy function
solar plexus chakra
Perfume number 3 brings extra energy to the solar plexus chakra, responsible for our power. -
Complementary connection
The solar plexus is paired with the throat. We immediately associate the notion of freedom and the right to speak.
Lucie tells you what the 3 Valor synergy can bring you
thought of intention
“I am capable, I dare, I take my place, I have the right. »
Message from your spirit
If you got number one, we want to tell you...: Take care of your body, it needs your attention.
Trust, stop being afraid, the energy of the earth sustains all physical life.
She takes care of all your physical needs.
Do not forget that the Mother of all forms is competent, wise, loving and generous.
You know that the earth is rich and warm capable of nourishing us abundantly and with pleasure.
Death does not exist. Nothing is lost. Have confidence, you have and will always have everything you need.
Issue 1
Are you afraid of your power?
Issue 2
Have you ever hurt with your power?
Issue 3
Have you been hurt by abuse of power?

REWRITE our history: these alchemical oils are able to go back to the source of the symptoms, in our often unconscious emotional dimension. They have access to emotional drawers that are closed to reason. Here in the area of the plexus the feelings of defeat need a victory. And when the emotions are finally reviewed, welcomed and understood, one can more easily update and replace the harmful and clumsy drive with a more mature one. The fact is that often we have reactions programmed from early childhood; when we revisit them as adults, we have a maturity and means that change our position if we want to and our feeling about the situation and consequently, the end of the story of this situation as well as its consequences for the future.
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No 3 Valor, energy synergy

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