For several centuries now, aromatherapy has been commonly used to counter various health problems. The shortage of medicine during the war created the opportunity to put their multiple functions to the test in order to treat the sick. Much scientific research was subsequently done to determine the active components in order to create patented synthetic molecules and ensure some control over the composition of drugs. More than 80% of pharmaceutical products are made from natural molecules reproduced in the laboratory, synthetically or isolated from natural sources. Herbalism and aromatherapy are their main sources of inspiration.
By returning to natural extracts, we use substances that the body knows how to recognize and thus limit the possible side effects that the isolated molecules can have on the body. The notion of habituation is infrequent when it comes to natural extracts. This makes it possible to maintain the surprise effect and to optimize the effects of the active molecules on the various mechanisms of the body.
In order to extract the active principles of medicinal plants, several solvents are possible.
The more natural the solvent, the more delicate the extract will be.
In the same vein, the slower the process, the more complex the aroma will be.
In traditional herbalism, there are also other extraction principles to get the active components present in different medicinal plants. The choice of method is then very important:
- Macerate
- Enfleurage
- Mother tincture
- Infusion
- herbal powder